Milefluid/米勒 品牌
The manhole is a safety emergency ventilation device installed on the top of the storage tank. It is usually used in conjunction with a fire extinguisher and a mechanical breathing valve. It can not only avoid the sudden overpressure or vacuum in the tank due to unexpected reasons, but also damage the storage tank and cause accidents. It has the function of safety fire prevention and is a safety device to protect the storage tank, especially suitable for the vaulted atmospheric tank whose storage material is capped with nitrogen. It has the advantages of constant pressure discharge, constant pressure suction, flexible opening and closing, safe fire resistance, compact structure, good sealing performance, safety and reliability.
Manholes are divided into emergency pressure relief manholes, explosion-proof fire-resistance breathing manholes, tank top manholes, tank wall manholes and core manholes.
Manholes are generally made of 304,316L stainless steel or carbon steel.
1. Divided by the capacity of the communication pipe block
According to the number of pipe blocks with a width of 360mm and a height of 250mm (standard six-hole pipe holes with an inner diameter of 90mm, referred to as standard blocks), the manhole can accommodate the number of pipe blocks with an inner diameter of 90mm or a single-hole pipe with an inner diameter of 90mm. ,Small.
The size of the manhole set in the communication pipeline should be set according to the long-term capacity of the communication pipeline. We should not only consider the capacity of communication pipelines under construction in this period.
2. Divided by the passage of manholes
According to the division of manholes, it can be divided into straight manholes, three-way manholes, four-way manholes and oblique manholes. For details, see Table 1 below. Among them, the inclined manholes are divided into five types: 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, and 75°. The angle of each oblique manhole can be applied within the range of ±7.5°.
3. According to the load bearing capacity of the overlying manhole
According to the load bearing capacity of the overlying manhole, it can be divided into two types: steam-20 grade and steam-10 grade.
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