The titanium alloy quick opening manhole is usually installed on the top of the storage tank and the container tank and is matched with the stainless steel air breathing valve and the tank washer, the utility model is especially suitable for the vaulted atmospheric tank which is sealed with nitrogen gas for storing materials. Titanium alloy quick-open manhole stainless steel manhole as long as the stainless steel material manhole are called stainless steel manhole in fact subdivided down the shape is very many. Titanium TA2 flange manhole, according to the material: stainless steel according to the structure state is divided into: martensitic steel, ferrite steel, austenitic steel, austenitic-ferrite (dual-phase) stainless steel and precipitation hardening stainless steel. Stainless steel manholes are commonly used for Austenitic stainless steel. This kind of steel has good plasticity, toughness, weldability and properties, good corrosion resistance in oxidizing and reducing media, manhole of rotary cover flange, used for making manhole of acid-resistant stainless steel, more commonly used 304 stainless steel manhole, 316 stainless steel hole, 316 L stainless steel manhole, other such as 201,301,304 L, manhole, 321 and other materials of stainless steel manhole is less used.
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