AVS1000 滚珠丝杠升降平台 | 机械轴承滚珠丝杠驱动垂直升降平台 | AVS1000 Mechanical-Bearing Ball-Screw Lift Stage

AVS1000 滚珠丝杠升降平台 | 机械轴承滚珠丝杠驱动垂直升降平台 | AVS1000 Mechanical-Bearing Ball-Screw Lift Stage

参考价: 面议

2024-09-16 07:21:05





Aerotech’s AVS1000 series stages offer the ideal solution for applications that require moving large or heavy loads over very small incremental movements in elevation above a horizontal plane. Low pro......


● 带有大通孔的高负载升降平台
● 亚微米闭环定位精度
● 全行程具有出色的俯仰和偏摆特性
● 5 毫米或10 毫米的行程;可以定制设计替代标准行程
● 可选洁净室和ESD保护

● 精密研磨滚珠丝杠提供高性能

Quality Design Provides Superior Performance
The AVS1000 series provides precise elevation of a load in a vertical plane using a moving wedge design. The precision machined wedge block converts horizontal movement from a precision-ground ball screw to vertical elevation of the AVS1000 series tabletop.

Sealed linear motion guide bearings with integral wipers are incorporated to provide excellent payload capability, long life and smooth, precision motion. Stable and parallel vertical motion with no rocking or horizontal deviation of the platform is ensured.

Careful design of the wedge angle and bearing system allows the AVS1000 series to achieve submicron resolution and still maintain a compact profile. The optional HALAR factory calibration option is available to further increase standard accuracy and repeatability.

A Better Approach to Vertical Motion
The vertical lift approach offers an alternative to traditional Z-plane oriented stages. Not only do the AVS1000 series stages offer a lower profile, but the load can also be accessed easily from any side. And by centering the payload over the bearings, there are no cantilevering effects.

Motor and Drives
The AVS1000 series includes Aerotech high performance NEMA 34 frame-size BMS series brushless, slotless servomotor. The slotless motor has zero cogging and therefore is optimized for applications requiring very smooth motion.

Aerotech manufactures a wide range of matching drives and controls to provide a fully integrated and optimized motion solution.

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