WaferMax Z 直驱升降平台 | 机械轴承直线电机直驱垂直升降平台 | 高精度垂直校准平台 | WaferMax Z Mechanical-Bearing Direct-Drive Lif...

WaferMax Z 直驱升降平台 | 机械轴承直线电机直驱垂直升降平台 | 高精度垂直校准平台 | WaferMax Z Mechanical-Bearing Direct-Drive Lif...

参考价: 面议

2024-09-16 07:20:00





The WaferMax Z represents a significant breakthrough in vertical alignment of high-precision components in one compact package. Its superior noncontact linear motor drive employs a high-accuracy encod......


● 薄型设计,可用于空间敏感的应用
● 非接触直接驱动
● 高重复定位精度
● 集成气动平衡(配重)

● 与WaferMax T 轻松配置多轴应用

Superior Mechanical Design
Bearing elements are crossed-roller style for maximum smoothness and reliability. These are mounted on an optimized base and wedge assembly for stiffness and low mass/inertia, enhancing dynamic performance.

All the critical elements of the WaferMax Z were selected to operate in a 24/7 industrial environment and, unlike screw- or piezo-based vertical stages, the WaferMax Z requires no maintenance and will ensure years of trouble-free operation.

Brushless Direct-Drive
To maximize positioning performance, the WaferMax Z utilizes Aerotech’s BLMUC-series brushless, slotless linear motor. This motor has all of the advantages of a brushless direct-drive motor — no brushes to wear, no gear trains to maintain and high acceleration and high speeds. Since it is a slotless, ironless design, there is zero cogging, meaning that there is absolutely no torque ripple. This makes the WaferMax Z ideal for contoured motion, smooth scan velocity or precise incremental steps.

Accurate Positioning
Performance is assured with a precision linear encoder that results in 0.8 nm resolution. The motor and high-performance linear encoder are directly coupled to increase accuracy.

Flexible Configurations
Aerotech manufactures a wide range of servo amplifiers and advanced controllers to provide a complete, integrated package.

上一篇:爱泽工业部分到货产品专题及库存—AUCOM篇 下一篇:西门子伺服驱动器的主要具有哪些优势?
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