GDG 系列滚筒刮板式干燥机价格
◆ GDG 系列滚筒刮板干燥机是引进德国*技 术而制造的现代化产品,广泛用于粘性、胶状、膏糊状物料干燥制片 等工具。先后在食品、化工、医药等行业使用,性能良好。
GDG 系列滚筒刮板式干燥机价格
◆ 工作原理是让液状或泥浆状物料在水蒸汽或其他热载体加热的滚筒
表面形成薄膜,滚筒转一圈的过程中便被干燥完毕,用刮刀把产品刮 下来,露出的滚筒表面再次与原料接触并形成薄膜进行干燥。
◆ Liquid or muddy materials are dried by steam or other heating way, then the material is formed a pellicla After the drum run a circle, the material can be dried.And then the materials are taken out by scraper. So the machine can circle drying the mateiral.
◆ 干燥速率大,筒壁上湿料膜的传热与传质过程里向外方向*,温 差大,使料膜表面保持较高的蒸发温度。
◆ 干燥时间短,约 10~15s,适合热敏性物料。
◆ 操作简便,维修简便
◆ The heat source is steam or heat conducting oil, the heating area is large, the heat efficiency is high and the heating is even.
◆ Drying efficiency is high and the direction of mass and heat transfer is the same. The difference in temperature is large and so the evaporating temperature of mateirals is very high
◆ The drying time is short, it is about 10~15s and it is suitable for heat sensitive mateials.
◆ Operation is sample and maintaining is convenient.
◆ 由主滚筒机架、加料装置(上部加料或下部浸料)、驱动机构、螺旋 送料装置、吸尘装置、刮刀装置等部件组成。
◆ GDG Series drum dryer is made up of main drum,bracket,feeding device(feeding on the top or on the bottom), drive device crew feeding device, dusting device, scraper and so on.