GGNL 系列膏状物料一内热式振动流化床
复杂,能量消耗高,采用喷雾干燥和螺旋闪蒸干燥,也不经济。针对这种情况,开发了膏糊料内热式 振动流化床干燥技术,实现了膏糊状物料的高效节能干燥.以钛白包膜膏糊料干燥为例,某工厂水分 气化量为 2.3 吨水 / 小时,所用带式干燥机的尺寸为:长 × 宽 × 高 =24.9 m×2.5 m×4.0 m,蒸汽 耗用量为 6.9 吨 / 小时,采用内热式振动流化床进行干燥,流化床面积约 4m2,蒸汽用量不超过 4.5 吨 / 小时,不仅设备投资大幅下降,仅蒸汽一项一年可以节约 280 万元。可见,采用内热式振动流化 床能够实现膏状物料的高效节能干燥。
电机的激振力使床体产生垂直方向的正弦振动,空气经预热后送入流 化床,床内物料在振激力和气力的双重作用下处于流化状态。流化床 内装入一定量的惰性颗粒,并在流化室内布置加热构件,对床层实施 强化加热。膏糊料装于储料罐中,用螺杆泵送入分散器,呈滴状洒入 流化床中,均匀喷洒并涂布在惰性粒子表面,进行干燥,浆料干燥后 从惰性颗粒表面脱落,产品用旋风分离器和布袋除尘器收集。
GGNL 系列膏状物料一内热式振动流化床
◆The machine is equipped with 2 fans, one is blower, and the other is draught fan The fluidized bed is supported by spring, the exciting force of vibration motor drive fluidized bed with vertical vibratioa Air is heated, and then it is brought into fluidized bed, and the material is fluidized state under the force of exciting force and air force. Put some inert granulator and heating device in fluidized bed, in order to heat bed layer. The paste form material is put in hopper, then it is brought into disperser by screw pump, and the material sprinkle in fluidized bed, and covers the surface of insert granulator, and then it is dried The slurry material cast from inert granulator, the finished product is collected by cyclone and cloth-bag duster.
为减少,废气放空的热损失减少,热效率提高,干燥所需的热能 消耗减少。
强化传热,干燥强度大为提高,做到小设备大生产,实现高效和 节能*结合。
◆Most drying energy is provide by internal heating way, the drying medium consume is reduced greatly, the energy loss of waste gas is reduced, the energy efficiency is improved, the drying energy consume is reduced
◆For the air consume is reduced, and the equipped power of air
system Is reduced greatly.
◆Jnert granulator fluidized bed supports big drying area; it transfers energy by internal heating system, so the drying efficiency is improved greatly. The dryer comes true that small equipment with big production and it comes true jointing high-efficiency and energy slave.