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HZG 系列回转滚筒干燥机适用于①化工、矿山、冶金等行业大颗粒,比重大物料干燥,如:矿山、高炉矿渣、煤、金属粉末、磷肥、硫铵。②对有特殊要求的粉末,颗粒状物料的干燥,如:HP发泡剂、酒糟渣、轻质碳酸钙、活性白土、磁粉、石墨、药渣。③要求低温干燥,且需大批量连续干燥的物料。
◆Applicable for drying big particles, heavy particles inchemical, mining, and metallurgy, such as mining area,cinder of blast furnace, coal, powder of metal, phosphatefertilizer and thiamine.For drying the powder or particles with special require-ments, such as HP foaming blowing agent, residue ofalcohol, light calcium carbonate, active clay, magneticpowder, graphite, and residue of medicine.For materials to be dried under low temperature andlarge lot continuous production.
HZG 系列回转滚筒干燥机技术参数