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ZJ 自动上料机
◆ 采用低真空原理,将粒料自动输送到各种设备料斗中,同时和其它设备配套使用,实现上料自动化、适应于医药、食品等领域。
◆Adopting the principle of low vacuum to transmit granules to hoppers of all devices, it
can be applied with other equipments. The feeding automation can be realised. It is used
in the industries such as pharmaceutical and foodstuff.
◆It adopts the advantages of high efficiency,low noise,stable property,move moreconveniently,simple operation,safety and civilisation.
If little dust is in some material, we can use air separator. Once the dust isseparated,powder can be recovered.
ZJ 自动上料机技术参数