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◆EYH 系列二维运动混合机的转筒可同时进行二个运动,一个为转筒的转动,另一个为转筒随摆动架的摆动。被混合物料在转筒内随转筒转动、翻转、混合的同时,又随转筒的摆动而发生左右来回的掺混运动,在这两个运动的共同作用下,物料在短时间内得到充分的混合。该机适合所有粉、粒状物料的混合。
◆The rotating cylinder of EYH Two Dimensions Mixer can make two motionsat the same time. One is the rotation of the cylinder and the other is swinging ofthe cylinder along the swinging rack. Materials to be mixed will rotate when thecylinder is rotating, and will be mixed from left to right and vice versa when thecylinder is swinging. As the result of these two motions, materials can be mixedfully in a short time. EYH Two Dimensions Mixer is suitable for mixing of allpowder and granule materials.
◆EYH 系列二维运动混合机主要由转筒、摆动架、机架三大部分构成。转筒装在摆动架上,由四个滚轮支撑并由两个挡轮对其进行轴向定位,在四个支撑滚轮中,其中两个传动轮由转动动力系统拖动使转筒产生转动;摆动架由一组曲柄摆杆机构来驱动,曲柄摆杆机构装在机架上,摆动架由轴承组件支撑在机架上。
◆EYH Series Tow dimensions mixer mainly consists of three bigparts, rotating cylinder, swinging rack and frame. The rotating cylinderlies on the swinging rack, supported by four wheels and its axial fixa-tion is done by two stop wheels. Two of the four wheels are driven byrotating system to make the cylinder rotate. The swinging rack is drivenby a set of crankshaft swinging bar which is mounted on the frame andthe swinging rack is supported on the frame.