



时间:2019-12-25      阅读:568



Technical parameters:

序号 No. 项目 Name 单位 Unit 型号规格 Specification

 1 工作容积 Working capacity  L  1500L

 2 投料量 Feeding amount  Kg/batch  450~500

 3 引风机 Suction fan  Kw  55

 4 加热方式:天然气 Heating way: natural gas (indirect)  

 5 压缩空气耗量 Compressed air consumption  M3/min  2.7

 6 压缩空气压力 Compressed air pressure  MPa  0.6

 8 蠕动泵 Water feeding peristaltic pump  L/h  120


Detailed Equipment list

序 号No. 名称Name 内容Description 材质规格或技术说明Specifications 备注Remark

1  主机系统Main machine system 过滤室:含过滤清粉机构、泄爆口,布袋升降装置Filter chamber: Including powderclean device, explosion vent, bag elevating device All Contact parts: SUS316L

中筒室:顶喷枪Straight drum chamber: liquid spray system  

料车:2 辆Material trolley: 2 sets

顶升段:双气缸和气囊密封式Trolley lifting device: duplex cylinder, air chamber sealing

进风室:带排水口、进风调节风门;Air inlet chamber: include water drain gate, air valve

主机支撑:外封不锈钢Machine support: covered with Stainless steel

主机密封:硅橡胶Machine sealing: Silastic

温度点:进风一点,出风一点Temperature sensor: air in and air out

2 空 气 加 热系统Inlet air heatingsystem   天然气热风炉(间燃)Natural gas( indirect type )    Indirect type  

3 空 气 过 滤系统Air filtersystem 初、中效过滤器Primary and middle effect filter 筛网、无纺布,non-woven fabrics

壳体: Out cover SUS304

4   排 送 风 系统 Exhaust air system   引风机Suction fan (1) 自动调节进风门风 量 ; Inlet air volume adjusted automatic.(2) 电机功率 55wMotor power: 55KW

变频器frequency converter  55kw


进风管Air inlet pipe  δ=2mm

排尘管Fine powder discharging pipe δ=1.5mmFlange:δ=8mm

排风管Exhaust air pipe Pipe:δ=1.5mmFlangeδ=8mm

5  雾化系统Feeding liquid system 雾化器:spraying gun 1Cr18Ni9Ti, 3units

供液小车:含料桶Liquid feeding tank 60L, SUS316L

Liquid pump  1 unit 精密蠕动泵Peristaltic pump

6    控制系统Control sytem 柜体Control cabinet  SUS304

操作系统Operation system 人机界面操作控制系统Touch screen

可编程器Programmer  PLC (ABB)

7   过滤布袋Bag filter   编有抗静电纤维,可均匀释放静电,不产生火花,安全生产Antistatic, fireprevention

 8 视镜Sight glass 钢化玻璃toughened glass  

 9 备注:NOTE: 所有接触物料

上一篇: 马铃薯喷雾干燥机5kg/h 下一篇: 酶制剂压力喷雾干燥机150kg/h
