

参考价: 面议

2024-01-23 16:44:26







CF 系列全自动硬胶囊充填机是楚天飞云面向市场推出的迭代产品。品质、性价比高,可扩展在线数粒统计、分析清堵、99% 称重、装量自动调整等智能化功能。该系列设备综合性能稳定,胶囊适应性强,上机率高,装量准确;还可填充三种不同物料,满足缓释、控释等创新药在同—粒胶囊中的混装需求。该设备在结构设计上严格遵从 FDA、 cGMP 等各类法规要求。该设备安全可靠,满足 CE和 UL 等国际安全认证要求;设备外观设计由国际的工业设计团队操刀落地,通体采用全铝框架设计,外形大气,结构结构易拆卸和清洁,显示屏内嵌界面系统由专业 UI 设计团队设计,界面清新简约。
CF series automatic hard capsule filling machine is an iterative product launched by Truking Feiyun for high-end market. With excellent quality and high cost effective, it can expand intelligent functions such as online counting, analysis and blockage removal, 99% weighing, and automatic adjustment of filling weight. This series of equipment has stable comprehensive performance, strong capsule adaptability, high capsule loading rate, and accurate loading; It can also be filled with three different materials to meet the mixed loading requirements of innovative drugs such as sustained release and controlled release in the same capsule. The structure design of the equipment strictly complies with FDA, cGMP and other regulatory requirements. The equipment is safe and reliable, meeting the requirements of CE, UL and other international safety certification; The appearance design of the equipment is carried out by an internationally renowned industrial design team. The whole body adopts an all-aluminum frame design. The appearance is high-end and atmospheric, and the structure is easy to disassemble and clean. The embedded interface system of the display screen is designed by a professional UI design team, and the interface is fresh and simple.
More intelligent, more beautiful, cleaner, more compliant and more stable!

技术特点  /  Features and Advantages
◎ 填充产品适应性广,适用于各种特殊物料充填,广泛应用于化药、中药、保健品、食品等产品具有粘性、研磨性、纤维或其它特性产品;
◎ 可根据用户需求选配微丸、颗粒、片剂等充填功能,满足缓释、控释和片剂等三种物料在同—粒胶囊罐装的需求;
+The filling products have wide adaptability and are suitable for filling various special materials. They are widely used in chemical medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, health care products, food and other products with viscosity, abrasiveness, fiber or other characteristics.
+ The filling functions of pellets, granules and tablets can be selected according to the user's needs to meet the needs of slow release, controlled release and tablets in the same capsule.

◎  机器灵活,产量可变、性价比高,整机模块化设计,安装简单方便;
◎  易维护、操作简单、标准化、模块化、系列化,制造零件可通用互换,更换模具便捷准确;
◎  滑片结构设计,可防止计最盘底部粘黏的药粉从间隙泄漏,此系统的应用可以极大降低产品损失,从而增加收率;同时,即可在同—灌装工位上进行微丸填充及微片灌装;
◎  稳定高效,楚天强大的制造能力,98% 零件自己加工,保证加工精度,所有电气元件采用西门子、欧姆龙等国际品牌,控制系统安全可靠;
◎  便于清洁,设备工作区内圆角设计,易清洁,,设备安装无螺丝,少螺丝设计或隐藏设计,更符合 cGMP、CE,UL 等欧美安全规范;
+  Flexible machine, variable output, high cost performance, modular design of the whole machine, simple and convenient installation.
+  Easy maintenance, simple operation, standardization, modularization and serialization, universal and interchangeable manufacturing parts, convenient and accurate change parts replacement.
+  The unique slide plate structure design can prevent the sticky powder at the bottom of the dosing disk from leaking from the gap. The application of this system can greatly reduce the product loss, thus increasing the yield; At the same time, pellet filling and micro tablet filling can be carried out on the same filling station.
+ Stable and efficient, Truking has strong manufacturing capacity, 98% of the parts are processed by itself to ensure processing accuracy, all electrical components are made of well-known international brands such as Siemens and Omron, and the control system is safe and reliable.
+ Easy to clean, the fillet design in the working area of the equipment is easy to clean, without dead corners, and the equipment is installed without screws, less screws or hidden design, which is more in line with cGMP, CE, UL and other European and American Safety specifications.

◎ 加工工艺,鉴于中、西药特性不同,充填所需的运行压力较大,加大凸轮尺寸,对凸轮表面采用PIP 低温氮化处理,增加表面硬度,确保设备的使用寿命和运行可靠性;
◎ 外形觐丽,设备主台板采用全铝—体雕刻氧化,装配更简洁,外观状态灯具有智能信息表达功能;

◎ 人工智能,可在线实现装量的趋势分析与自动偏差控制,无需停机调整,可长期保证生产装量的稳定性,另采用高精度分度器,振动小,极限运行工作噪音低于 75dB,装量差异 <±3%。

上一篇:爱泽工业部分到货产品专题及库存—AUCOM篇 下一篇:西门子伺服驱动器的主要具有哪些优势?
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