

参考价: 面议

2023-12-02 19:19:34





2200系列单通道可编程直流电源,可以提供范围非常 宽的电压输出,满足元件、电路、模块以及完整器件的测 试与特性分析需求,适合研究实验室、设计与开发以及生 产测试。2200系列包括5个型号,输出电压范围是20V~72V, 输出功率包括86W、96W、100W及150W。此外,这些电源还 可以用作恒流源或恒压源。2200系列电源集出众的性能、 多功能和易用性于一体,使得用户尽可能快地获得高质量 测试......


  • 2200系列单通道可编程直流电源,可以提供范围非常 宽的电压输出,满足元件、电路、模块以及完整器件的测 试与特性分析需求,适合研究实验室、设计与开发以及生 产测试。2200系列包括5个型号,输出电压范围是20V~72V, 输出功率包括86W、96W、100W及150W。此外,这些电源还 可以用作恒流源或恒压源。2200系列电源集出众的性能、 多功能和易用性于一体,使得用户尽可能快地获得高质量 测试数据。无论用于自动测试系统还是手动仪器配置, 2200系列电源都同样有效。


    • 5个产品型号满足多种需求

    • 提供高质量测试数据

    • 适合测试低功率电路和器件
      电流 测量分辨率:0.1mA

    • 程控检测,确保为负载施加预置电压

    • 双线显示屏显示预置值和实际输出,连续指示传至负载的功率状态

    • 高达80个输出步骤的可重复测试序列,便于创建内建清单模式标准GPIB与USB接口,便于自动 控制


    2200系列电源电压设置基本准确度是0.03%,电压回 读基本准确度是0.02%,确保按照用户设置在输出端为负 载施加电压。而且,后面板连接包括程控检测端口,可以 对电源引线中的电压降进行补偿。这有助于确保为待测器件(DUT)负载端提供正 确的电压。2200系列电源的准确度不只限于电压,其电流设置和回读基本准确 度均为0.05%,可为用户提供高质量的负载电流测试。此外,其噪声低于5mVp-p, 从而使用户确信待测器件(DUT)负载端施加的功率是高精确和高品质的。

    吉时利2200系列单通道直流电源还具有出众的分辨率。其电压和电流测量 分辨率分别是1mV和0.1mA,因此可以对电压和电流的极其微弱变化进行测试和 研究。对于功耗要求较高的便携设备,0.1mA的电流分辨率允许用户测试 空闲模式和休眠模式电流,从而对产品是否满足苛刻的低功耗目标进行检验。


    吉时利2200系列单通道直流电源具有多种特性,便于用户迅速而容易地获 得所需的测试结果,还包括有助于用户为各种需求创建复杂测试的工具。

    双线显示屏能够显示预置设置以及实际电压和电流输出,便于用户实时观 察、了解和调整期望输出与实际输出值之间的任何差异。可以通过多种方法, 对电压和电流设置进行调整。用户可以使用直接输入数字键盘设置精确的电压 和电流值。还有一个用来调整补偿的旋钮,便于用户根据微笑的电压或电流变 化,对待测器件(DUT)响应进行研究。

    您是否经常重复一系列测试?用户在进行测试时,每次都要对每个测试设 置诸多参数,为了避免这种繁琐,您可以使用几个按键保存测试设置,当您再 需次要时只需调用即可。利用40个存储单元可以保存40个测试设置,也可以使 用2200系列电源清单模式来定义80个步骤的定制测试序列。这使得在各种电压 范围内的每个电压等级、对电路或待测器件特性进行分析变得非常轻松。序列 保存以后,可以使用仪器的前面板密钥手动触发运行,通过外部触发器自动运 行,或通过可编程接口指令运行序列。2200系列单通道直流电源可以存储7种 定制测试序列多达80个步骤的清单,并可以为每个步骤设置持续时间。


    2200系列单通道直流电源有几种功能,可以确保待测器件(DUT)不被破坏。 可以设置电压,因此无论请求的电压值多大,输出都不会超过预置的限定 值。对于进一步的电压量级保护,可以设置过压保护电平,如果达到过压限制, 会将输出电压降至低于1V。此外,还有电流限幅设置保护措施,以对流经待测 器件(DUT)的电流进行限制。如果电流达到限幅,2200系列单通道直流电源将从 恒压转向横流操作,将电流控制在电流限幅设置,电压将根据负载电阻而变化。
    除了限幅设置,用户还可以设置定时器,在时间间隔后关闭输出,用户可以 将测试预先设置为无人模式,在预置时间过后,可以自动关闭待测器件(DUT)电源。

  • The 2200 series single-channel programmable dc power supply provides a wide range of voltage outputs for testing and characteristic analysis of components, circuits, modules and complete devices for research laboratories, design and development, and production testing. The 2200 series includes 5 models, the output voltage range is 20V ~ 72V, the output power includes 86W, 96W, 100W and 150W. In addition, these sources can also be used as a constant current source or a constant voltage source. The 2200 series power supply combines superior performance, versatility, and ease of use to enable users to obtain high-quality test data as quickly as possible. The 2200 series power supply is equally effective for both automatic test systems and manual instrument configurations.

    Main features:

    5 product models to meet a variety of needs

    Power range: 86W ~ 150W

    Voltage output: 20V ~ 72V

    Provide high quality test data

    Basic voltage output accuracy: 0.03%

    Basic current output accuracy: 0.05%

    Suitable for testing low power circuits and devices

    Current measurement resolution: 0.1ma

    Voltage measurement resolution: 1mV

    Program-controlled testing ensures that a preset voltage is applied to the load

    The dual-line display displays the preset value and the actual output and continuously indicates the power status transmitted to the load

    Up to 80 output steps in a repeatable test sequence, easy to create a built-in list mode standard GPIB with USB interface, easy to control automatically

    Provides superior accuracy for the load

    Basic accuracy of 2200 series power supply voltage setting is 0.03%, basic accuracy of voltage reading back is 0.02%, to ensure that the voltage is applied at the output end for negative load as set by the user. Furthermore, the rear panel connection includes a program-controlled detection port that compensates for the voltage drop in the power lead. This helps to ensure that the correct voltage is supplied to the load side of the device under test (DUT). The accuracy of 2200 series power supply is not limited to voltage, its current setting and basic accuracy of reading back are 0.05%, can provide users with high quality load current test. In addition, the noise is lower than that of the 5mvp-p, assuring the user that the power applied at the load end of the device under test (DUT) is of high precision and quality.

    The ghisley 2200 series single-channel dc power supply also has superior resolution. The voltage and current measurement resolutions are 1mV and 0.1ma, respectively, so the extremely weak changes in voltage and current can be tested and studied. For portable devices with high minimum power requirements, the 0.1ma current resolution allows the user to test the idle mode and sleep mode current, thus verifying whether the product meets the stringent low power target.

    Get test results quickly

    The ghisley 2200 series single-channel dc power supply has a variety of features that allow users to quickly and easily obtain required test results, including tools that help users create complex tests for a variety of requirements.

    The dual-line display displays the preset Settings as well as the actual voltage and current outputs, enabling the user to observe, understand and adjust any differences between the expected and actual output values in real time. Voltage and current Settings can be adjusted in a variety of ways. Users can use the direct input numeric keypad to set precise voltage and current values. There is also a knob to adjust the compensation so that the user can study the DUT response based on the voltage or current variation of the smile.

    Do you often repeat a series of tests? To avoid the user having to set a number of parameters for each test each time they perform a test, you can use a few buttons to save the test Settings. You can save 40 test Settings with 40 storage locations, or you can use the 2200 series power inventory pattern to define 80 custom test sequences. This makes it very easy to analyze the characteristics of a circuit or device under test at each voltage level in a variety of voltage ranges. After the sequence is saved, it can be manually triggered using the instrument's front panel key, automatically run through an external trigger, or run through a programmable interface instruction. The 2200 series single-channel dc power supply can store a list of up to 80 steps in seven custom test sequences and can set duration for each step.

    Always protect the device under test (DUT)

    The 2200 series single-channel dc power supply has several functions to ensure that the device under test (DUT) is not damaged. The maximum voltage can be set so that the output does not exceed the preset limit, regardless of the requested voltage. For further voltage magnitude protection, the overvoltage protection level can be set. If the overvoltage limit is reached, the output voltage will be reduced to less than 1V. In addition, a current limiting protection is provided to limit the current flowing through the device under test (DUT). If the current limits are reached, the 2200 series single-channel dc power supply will switch from constant voltage to cross current operation to control the current in the current limit setting, and the voltage will vary according to the load resistance.

    In addition to the limiting setting, the user can also set the timer to turn off the output after the specified time interval. The user can set the test to no-man mode in advance. After the preset time, the DUT power supply can be automatically turned off.

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