G721 ST  固定式超声波蒸汽流量计

G721 ST 固定式超声波蒸汽流量计

参考价: 面议

2024-02-20 15:38:29





G721 ST 固定式超声波蒸汽流量计


Non-Invasive Steam Flow Measurement

The World‘s Only Clamp-On Steam Meter: FLUXUS ST

FLEXIM has been setting standards for 30 years, and with the FLUXUS ST steam meter series, boundaries for non-invasive measuring technology have been pushed again.

Non-invasive and efficient

FLUXUS ST measures steam flow non-invasively from the outside of the pipe. Non-invasive steam flow measurement means measuring without any interruption of operation and supply. Since clamp-on ultrasonic transducers are simply mounted on the outside of the pipe, it requires just minimal installation effort and no opening of the pipeline.

The acoustic measuring method proves to be impressive with its exceptionally high measuring dynamics, is highly sensitive even at very low flow velocities and functions independently of the flow direction. Due to this large flow range (flow velocities from 0.01 m/s up to 60 m/s), there is no need to reduce pipe diameter to fit an inline meter’s requirement of minimum flow velocity. Moreover, the non-invasive measurement does not cause any pressure loss. The transducer mountings can be completely insulated to reduce any heat loss to the environment.

With FLUXUS ST, for the first time ever, it is possible to capture all steam usage from very low to very high flow rates with one meter size.

Completely maintenance-free

Non-invasive steam flow measurement also means measuring without direct contact with the medium flowing in the pipe. FLUXUS ST has no moving parts. Therefore, FLUXUS ST is not subjected to wear and tear and does not require any maintenance.

FLUXUS ST measures volume and mass flow of saturated and super­heated steam at temperatures up to 180 °C. The clamp-on ultrasound system is available as both a stationary and a portable meter.

Fixed and versatile

FLUXUS G721 ST is a fixed installed flow meter for steam and offers a variety of digital communication interfaces such as Profibus, Modbus TCP and others.

99% process availability is guaranteed when using a FLEXIM solution – the installation of a FLUXUS G721 ST does not disturb the steam process itself at any time.


  • Reliable, non-invasive steam measurement
  • High dynamic flow range even at low flow velocities
  • no pipe diameter reduction – zero pressure loss
  • Integrated mass flow measurement


Measurement uncertainty of the measuring system (volumetric flow rate)
±0,3 % of reading ±0.005 m/s
Measurement uncertainty at the measuring point (volumetric flow rate)
±1..3 % of reading ±0.005 m/s, depending on application
重复性    ±0,15% of reading, ±0,01 m/s
流量通道  1 or 2
介质         saturated steam, superheated steam
过程温度    max. 180°C non-Ex
     max. 165°C ATEX Zone 2
     max. 155°C ATEX Zone 1
过程压力    min. 3 bar abs.
管径范围    45 mm … 1000 mm
流速范围   0,01m/s…60m/s (depending on pipe size and transducer type)
防爆     FLUXUS G608 ST Transmitter:
ATEX / IECEx Zone 2
ATEX / IECEx Zone 1 or Zone 2
通信协议    Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, Profibus PA, FF H1, BACnet MS/TP, BACnet TCP
数字通信    USB Interface
附加信息     please have your specific application tested for feasibility
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