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产品型号:     厂商性质:生产厂家





1、 采用的单片或双片叶轮结构,大大提高了污物通过能力,能有效的通过泵口径5倍纤维物质与直径为泵口径约50%的固体颗粒。
2、 机械密封采用新型硬质耐腐的钛化钨材料,可使泵安全连续运行8000小时以上。
3、 整体结构紧凑、体积小、噪音小、节能,检修方便、无需建泵房,潜入水中即可工作,大大减少工程造价。
4、 该泵密封油室内设置有高精度抗干扰漏水检测传感器,定子绕组内预埋了热敏元件,对水泵电机自动保护。
5、 可根据用户需要配备全自动控制柜,对泵的漏水、漏电、过载及超温等进行自动保护,提高了产品的安全性与可靠性。
6、 浮球开关可根据所需液位变化,自动控制泵的起动与停止,不需专人看管,使用极为方便。
7、 可根据用户需要配备双导轨自动耦合安装系统,它给安装、维修带来更大方便,人可不必为此而进入污水坑。
8、 能够在全扬程内使用,而保证电机不会过载。
9、 有两种不同的安装方式,固定式自动耦合安装系统,移动自由安装。
Non-clogging sewage pump is based on the advanced technology of Hank (HANK), combined with the use of sewage pump characteristics of the successful development of a new generation of pump products, with significant energy saving, anti-winding, non-clogging, automatic installation and automatic control And so on. In the discharge of solid particles and long fiber garbage, has a unique effect.
1, the use of a unique single or double impeller structure, greatly improving the dirt through the ability to effectively pass the pump diameter 5 times the fiber material and diameter of the pump diameter of about 50% of the solid particles.
2, the mechanical seal with a new hard corrosion-resistant titanium tungsten material, the pump can run continuously for more than 8000 hours.
3, the overall structure of compact, small size, low noise, energy saving effect is significant, easy maintenance, no need to build pump room, dive into the water to work, greatly reducing the cost of the project.
4, the pump sealed oil room is equipped with high precision anti-jamming leak detection sensor, the stator winding embedded thermal elements, the pump motor automatic protection.
5, according to user needs with automatic control cabinet, the pump leakage, leakage, overload and over-temperature, such as automatic protection, improve product safety and reliability.
6, the float switch can be based on the required level changes, automatic control of the pump start and stop, no special care, the use of extremely convenient.
7, according to user needs with dual rail automatic coupling installation system, it is to install, repair more convenient, people do not have to enter the sewage pits for this.
8, can be used in the whole head, and to ensure that the motor will not overload.
9, there are two different installation methods, fixed automatic coupling installation system, mobile free installation.
The main purpose

It is suitable for sewage, sewage, sewage, sewage, sewage, sewage, sewage, sewage, sewage, sewage, sewage, sewage, etc. in the industry, such as chemical industry, petroleum, pharmaceutical, mining, paper industry, cement plant, steelmaking plant, power plant, coal processing industry, and urban sewage treatment plant drainage system, municipal engineering, Can also be used for pumping water and corrosive media.

德国汉克(HANK)成立于1852年创建于门兴格拉德巴赫(Monchengladbach)是位于德国北莱茵-威斯特州杜塞尔多夫市以西的一座城市。于19世纪50年代初德国经济快速发展,由于德国能源短缺,政府在节能方面加大力度,因此HANK(Trouble Less pump的水泵)公司成立。汉克水泵是以生产高品质、的水泵、测量及控制系统而的跨国性生产企业,在几十个国家拥有子公司及分支机构,公司产品涉及用途:石油、化工、电力、冶金、制药、食品、水处理、市政给排水、天然气、造纸、电子工业、楼宇、机械设备配套等领域。

GERMANY HANK PUMP LIMITED is founded on 1852 in Monchengladbach,which is located at one city in North Rhine in Germany, which is the west of Nordrhein-Westfalen. At the beginning of 1850s, as the rapid development of economic and the shortages of energy in Germany , the government had been in saving energy aspect. On this occasion, HANK Pump (Trouble Less Pump) was established.Hank pump is the world-famous transnational production enterprise,which produces high quality and advanced pump, measurement and control system, and which has its divisions and branches in dozens of countries in the global. The company products user involves the petroleum, the chemical industry, the electric power, the metallurgy, the drugs manufacture, food, the water treatment, the municipal administration to give draining water, the natural gas, the papermaking, the electronics industry, the building, the mechanical device necessary ect..

The conclusion of the pump concept in German Hank pump is resposibility,foresight,innovation. For ourselves resposibility, foresight and focusing on creating unprecendented solution and concept,our company has become the lead of pump manufacturer in the global.


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