
关于“第84届中国医药原料药、中间体、包装、设备交易会(API China)”举办时间调整公告

2020/4/2 13:54:5722424
  新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情,在我国逐步缓解。全国新增确诊病例数和新增疑似病例数,近2周总体呈下降趋势。但是,国外疫情正处于上升期,输入性确诊病例正在增加,为国内疫情防控带来不确定性。为保障广大展商、观众和业内同仁的健康与安全,API China组委会一直与有关部门保持积极沟通,经过认真研判和多方协调,原定于2020年5月13日至15日在青岛世博城展览中心举办的“第84届中国医药原料药中间体、包装、设备交易会”调整至2020年6月9日至11日举办,举办地点不变。由此带来的不便,我们深表歉意。同时,我们将继续密切关注疫情发展,与各相关单位保持沟通并及时应对。我们有信心在大家的共同努力下,为行业呈现疫情过后一场精彩高效的专业盛会。
  面对疫情,中国政府采取了果断有效的措施,举国上下众志成城、携手同行、共克时艰。很多医药人、医药企业奔赴在抗击疫情的一线上,在此,我们向为抗疫做出贡献的医药企业致敬,向奋斗在抗疫一线的医药人致敬!此次疫情,更加坚定了我们要激发创新活力,聚焦新产品、新技术,持续搭建好API China服务全行业交流合作平台的决心。保障产业链供应链的安全稳定、顺畅运转,推动整个健康产业的繁荣发展,是我们和业界同仁们共同的追求。
  如有任何问题,请及时与我们联系,并请持续关注API China微信公众号及网站发布的展会信息。
  我们必将战胜疫情,也必将在关爱生命、呵护人民健康的事业中携手前进!6月9-11日,API China与您相约青岛,迎接机遇,创造未来!
  第84届API China组委会
  第84届API China期待与您6月青岛再相聚!
  The 84th APi China has been rescheduled to June 9-11, 2020
  Dear exhibitors and friends,
  Thank you for your steadfast support to APi China! In order to further implement the prevention and control of pneumonia caused by the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), given our priority to protect your health and safety, we have decided to reschedule the 84th APi China, originally scheduled on May 11-13, 2020, to June 9-11, 2020. The venue will remain the same at the Qingdao Cosmopolitan Exposition International Exhibition Center (Qingdao, Shandong Province).
  The outbreak has deeply reminded us of the importance of pharmaceutical and medical industry, as well as the development of clinical health for safeguarding public health. As the worldwide leading pharmaceutial industry platform, APi China will remain committed to advancing pharmaceutical information in time as well as international trade collaboration and connectivity throughout the platform. We will work together hand in hand to promote the development of global pharmaceutical industry. UNITED WE STAND, TOGETHER WE WIN. We shall prevail over the epidemic under Chinese government decisive and effective measures and the joint efforts across the world community.
  Please kindly accept our sincere apology for any inconvenience caused by this change. We are confident that we will be able to present you another successful APi China. We look forward to seeing you all in June.
  Please pay attention to the recent notices released on the official website of APi China (www.apichina.com.cn). Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the organizing committee.
  Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions
  APi China Team
  April 2, 2020







